PYM Trustee Opportunites
Potential Youth Mentoring (PYM) – a small Youth Charity based in West London, is seeking to recruit some additional Trustees.
We are a small, but well established registered Charity, based primarily in Brent, Ealing and Barnet boroughs. We undertake mentoring work with young people, primarily aged 9 – 21 and also provide outreach youth work, in partnership with Youth Offending Services, Schools, Care Homes and Local Authorities.
We currently have a highly diverse Board and are seeking to recruit 2 new Trustees. We are particularly keen to recruit Trustees with skills and experience in Fundraising and Communications/Social Media and HR. Experience in Education or Social Care/Youth Work is also useful but not essential.
These positions are voluntary and unremunerated. Trustees will need to attend quarterly Board Meetings and lead in their specialist areas of expertise.
If this is you and you would like to give something back and support young people at risk in London, please contact our Founder/CEO Kelly Oyebola directly on kelly@potentialyouthmentoring.org.uk
Potential Youth Mentoring operates a Safer Recruitment Policy and all Trustees will need to undertake an enhanced DBS check.

that creates a space for dialogue,
that results in reflection,
action and learning of an individual.”